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We will be closed on Monday, October 9 for Thanksgiving Day. Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate this holiday.

MRCNS Quarterly Newsletter – September 2023

Welcome to your MRCNS Quarterly Newsletter “PUSH” where you can find out the latest news from the Midwifery Regulatory Council…

POLICY UPDATE: Prescribing, Ordering and Administering Drugs

The Registrar has announced that recent amendments have been made to the policy for Prescribing, Ordering and Administering Drugs (Drug…

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Each year, September 30th marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. The day honours the Indigenous children…

MRCNS Quarterly Newsletter – June 2023

Welcome to your new MRCNS Quarterly Newsletter “PUSH” where you can find out the latest news from the Midwifery Regulatory…

We are moving!

Effective May 15, 2023, the Midwifery Regulatory Council of Nova Scotia will lease office space from the Nova Scotia College…

MRCNS approves (APA’s) for Registered Midwives in Nova Scotia
MRCNS approves (APA’s) for Registered Midwives in Nova Scotia

After a robust public consultation process which included our members, other health regulators, healthcare providers and the public the Midwifery…

Public Consultation – Alternative Practice Arrangements

The Midwifery Regulatory Council of Nova Scotia (MRCNS) is currently considering permitting Alternative Practice Arrangements (APAs) for Registered Midwives in…

Midwives’ workloads have increased rapidly

Midwives’ workloads have increased rapidly during the pandemic as more families, particularly in rural and remote areas, want to avoid…

COVID-19 vaccines are expected to begin rolling out soon

COVID-19 vaccines are expected to begin rolling out soon, and given the scale of the task, the government wants to…

$729,701 to build the capacity of midwives and Indigenous midwives.

Projects will support health and law professionals, families, and children to recognize the signs and prevent family violence OTTAWA, ON, Nov….

Two new midwives join the South Shore Community Midwives team

Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA) is pleased to announce that two new midwives have started work with maternal and child…