Making a complaint about a midwife's professional practice is a serious matter.


The Council sets out and enforces professional Standards of Practice that midwives must adhere to, to ensure the public is provided with safe, effective and ethical care. Professional misconduct is an act or omission that is in breach of these standards and any other legal, ethical midwifery standard.

View MRCNS Guide to Filing a Complaint

Make a Complaint

If you believe a Registered Midwife has behaved in an unprofessional, unsafe or unethical manner, you have the right to make a formal complaint to the Midwifery Regulatory Council and to have your complaint investigated.

You may also contact the Registrar at the Council to discuss your concerns. The Registrar may be able to help resolve the problem prior to submitting a formal complaint.

What is a Complaint?

A complaint is a formal written allegation against a midwife made to the Registrar about the conduct, skill, or judgment of a midwife.

Some examples of what may form the basis of a complaint include:

  • Lack of clinical skills or knowledge
  • Issues of client safety
  • Failure to advocate on the behalf of a client
  • Unethical conduct
  • Lack of professionalism including interactions with clients and their families, peers, and/or colleagues
  • Breach of the Standards of Competency and Practice
  • Fitness to practice
  • Sexual misconduct or abuse

Note The Midwifery Regulatory Council does not have the authority to assess injury or award compensation to a complainant. This is done through the court system.

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    Discipline Decisions

    The Council conducts hearings in relation to allegations of professional misconduct. We are required to publish the results of hearings. By publishing the information, the Council aims to inform the public about what constitutes professional misconduct and incompetence. The decisions are also a resource for registered midwives regarding practice standards and professional behaviour.

    View Past Decisions

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