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Showing 1 - 12 of 37 results

Public Consultation – Draft Standard
Prevention of Sexual Misconduct

About this consultation In March 2024, the Nova Scotia Regulated Health Professions Network (RHPN) was tasked by the Department of Health…

Public Consultation:
Draft Midwifery Scope of Practice in Nova Scotia

The MRCNS is conducting a public consultation regarding the draft version of a revised Midwifery Scope of Practice in Nova…

POLICY UPDATE: Prescribing, Ordering and Administering Drugs

The Registrar has announced that recent amendments have been made to the policy for Prescribing, Ordering and Administering Drugs (Drug…

MRCNS approves (APA’s) for Registered Midwives in Nova Scotia
MRCNS approves (APA’s) for Registered Midwives in Nova Scotia

After a robust public consultation process which included our members, other health regulators, healthcare providers and the public the Midwifery…