Midwifery Standards

Standards provide a framework that a midwife’s practice may be evaluated to ensure that it is consistent with competent, safe, responsible and ethical midwifery practice. Fundamental to midwifery care is respect for the normal, healthy process of pregnancy and childbirth.

Midwives have a duty to maintain professional boundaries at all times to ensure the therapeutic relationship is safe and respected. The purpose of this Standard is to outline the practice, behavioural and reporting expectations of all midwives with respect to sexual misconduct.

The Professional Standards for Midwives (Professional Standards) describes what is expected of all midwives registered with the  Midwifery regulatory Council of Nova Scotia (MRCNS). The Professional Standards sets out the Council’s minimum requirements regarding your practice and conduct, and helps you achieve the best outcomes for your clients and the public.

All midwives involved in client care hold the role of a trusted professional. There are duties arising from this role and obligations owed to others, including your clients, the public, your peers, other health care providers, and your regulator.